Shut In - The Beginning


March 18th and I find myself shut in the house because of COVID19 with nothing to do but cook. It is my opportunity to do something I have always wanted to do which is to BLOG about Food and share experiences from the last 45 years of cooking. I also discovered it is an opportunity to create community during a scary time. You are not alone!

Today this article was posted by the New York Times and BOY did it resonate with me. This is just an excerpt from the article. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2020 Deliciousness Matters by SAM SIFTON “Good morning. How are you holding up? Millions and millions are at home this week, sheltered in place, self-quarantined, working remotely, home-schooling, feeding one another soups and sandwiches, keeping panic at bay. Others have headed into work at the hospital or police station, the plant, the supermarket. There are people collecting garbage, building things, reporting, checking on livestock, on parishioners, harvesting oysters, delivering food, operating trains. In New York City, at any rate, there’s a brittle, nervous vibe in the air. This is a most terrible time. I’m here just to say, quietly, that deliciousness is possible against the backdrop of a national emergency, and that it matters to discover that’s the case, for deliciousness improves moods, and inspires hope. Deliciousness sends a message. Someone cares. That’s as true if you’re making a chocolate-chip cookie pizza with the children as if you’re laying waste to the pantry to create a timpano you’ll eat for a week. So, please, cook this week as much as you can, and reap the rewards in good humor and a little relief: At least we have this.” I just love that! Right now I can give my family “deliciousness” and that will help keep the mood positive and show them I care. My BLOGS will be about deliciousness and hopefully be a place to create community for my friends. I am no Martha Stewart, I am not a chef - but I have noticed through my personal instagram account that people will open up and talk about food. This is an opportunity to engage with one another and create community… and show you I care! You are not alone in this.


Only the Essentials - Crusty Bread