Royal Icing - Easy Peasy


What makes or breaks a sugar cut out cookie is the Icing! You can’t use butter cream or canned icing because it is too soft and you can’t store them very well. Add to this the artistic element. The only way to get genuinely artistic beautiful sugar cookies is to use Royal Icing. Now let me stop right there…I am a good architect. I can bake and I can mix and evaluate the best cookie dough or Royal Icing BUT I am not a decorator. At the holidays when COVID19 is not a factor my daughter Alex doesn’t let me near the decorating! To put it bluntly I suck at decorating sugar cookies. BUT thankfully I have my daughter who is excellent at the artistic element and my daughter-in-law Laura to help out in this area.

My kids and I have been baking cut out cookies for thirty years now. I have messed around with a lot of different Royal Icing recipes. Some have you beat the Meringue powder with the water until foamy, other recipes have you beat the Royal Icing at a high speed for 20 minutes etc. DON”T do any of that. This recipe and demonstration is the easy peasiest of Royal Icings. It doesn’t have bubbles, and basically it creates a perfect topping for you sugar cookie. Once dry it gives that nice crunch coating that makes a decorated cookie perfect. The recipe is in my recipe section. Below is a video where I will walk you through the recipe. Enjoy and Mangia!


Easy as Pie…no one said ever!


Sugar Cookie Cut Outs