The Breville Risotto Maker

Ask my children - I am the Gadget Queen. I have tried so many kitchen gadgets and appliances that it is ridiculous. Having said that I am very passionate about the items I like and why I enjoy working with them in the kitchen. My first appliance recommendation is the Breville Risotto Maker. Growing up in a Sicilian Family NO ONE made Risotto! My paternal grandmother made a sweet St. Joseph’s Day rice but Risotto - no way. None of my grandmothers had time to stand over a pot and slowly add heated broth and continually stir to get that creamy perfection of Risotto. My grandparents weren’t afraid of work but that kind of culinary effort just wasn’t in their DNA. As an adult I liked Risotto but found that I didn’t enjoy the continually attention it took to get the perfect outcome. Thankfully I have friends who cook and when the subject of Risotto came up two of them raved about the Breville Risotto Maker…so of course I bought one on the spot. Since then I have served Risotto to guests and several of them have now purchased this appliance.
