Only the Essentials - Crusty Bread


On Thursday evening March 19th Governor Gavin Newsom of the State of California issued a Statewide “Stay at Home” order. I don’t care whether you like Governor Newsom or not, but most would agree, he did a very good job of articulating the danger to the people of California if everyone doesn’t shelter in place and stay at home. 56% of our “Nation State” (California is the size of most Nations) statistically could expect to get the virus and 20% of those will require hospitalization… and that will far exceed our capacity to provide adequate care. So stay at home if at all possible!

To that end we all will need the essentials to live. I am stocked up with food and supplies but let’s face it there is only so much room in the freezer and sooner or later we will run out of the essential of life “bread”. I personally don’t want to go out if I don’t have to. But I have plenty of flour, yeast, water and salt so my plan is to make King Arthur’s Crusty “No Knead” bread when the supply runs out. For those of you that are exceptional cooks you will be thinking “home made bread-easy peasy” and leave this post in the dust. However, I consider myself a very good cook and until 2019 I did not make home made bread. Making bread took too much time, was a pain in the duff, and never tasted good enough to bother. During my month at home after breast cancer surgery last year I got very bored. I had not been stuck at home for an extended time in years. and needed things to do. Hence my obsession with Crusty No Knead Bread was born. Not only is it easy and delicious right out of the oven, it also stores well and makes amazing toast. The recipe is incredibly easy but for those of you that “don’t make bread” I created this video to show you just how easy and fool proof making bread can be. And since I know all of you are doing your part and are stuck at home - let’s make some bread! Mangia!

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